In Indigo, you can create a single macro command string (or any other field that sends a command string) that contains multiple data commands to send to the connected session.
Each individual command in the string must be separated by a pipe character "|".
- 1|2
- one|two|three|four|five
(To test your command, you can enter the entire command string on the command combo bar at the bottom of the terminal session.)
More information on multi-commands can be found in the following help topic:
>> Multi Command
If you need to create a time delay between each command, you can add the internal pause command in between each data command.
The syntax for the internal pause command is: " :p:0000 " where the 0000 represents the number of milliseconds to delay.
- one|:p:2000|two
- one|:p:1000|two|:p:2000|three|:p:3000|four
More information on the supported internal command can be found in the following help topic:
>> Internal Commands