RS232 / RS422 / RS485 DB9 & DB25 serial port pinouts and loopback wiring

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DE-9 (DB9) Connector

The DE-9 connector is the most common serial connector.  This connector is found on National Instrument’s one and two port serial interfaces.

Figure 1: Pinout diagram for DE-9 Connector

 To perform a loopback test with no hardware flow control, you will need to connect pins 2 and 3 for RS-232 and pins 4 to 8 and 5 to 9 for RS-422/485.  These connections can be seen in redbelow (figure 2 for RS-232 and figure 3 for RS-422/485). 

When using hardware flow control, you will need to connect pins 4 to 6 and 7 to 8 for RS-232.  Pins 7 and 8 are used for RTS/CTS hardware flow control where pins 4 and 6 are used for DTR/DSR hardware flow control.  For RS-422/485, you will need to connect pins 2 to 3 and 6 to 7.  Both of these connections are required for RTS/CTS hardware flow control since RS-422/485 have differential connections.  These connections can be seen in blue below (figure 2 for RS-232 and figure 3 for RS-422/485).

Figure 2: RS-232 female DE-9 plug with connections required for loopback test

Figure 3: RS-422/485 female DE-9 plug with connections required for loopback test

DB-25 Connector

This connector is not as common as the DE-9 connector.  This connector can still be used to perform a loopback test with a method similar to the one used for the DE-9 connector.

Figure 4: Pinout diagram for DB-25 Connector

Most of the pins on DB-25 connectors are not connected since only nine pins are used for RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485 communication. 

To perform a loopback test with no hardware flow control with a DB-25 connector, connect pins 2 to 3 for RS-232.  For RS-422/485 connect pins 5 to 20 and 7 to 22.  The required connections can be seen in red on figures 5 and 6.

For hardware flow control using RS-232, pins 4 and 5 must be connected along with pins 6 and 20. When using RS-422/485, pin 5 must connect to pin 20 and pin 7 must connect to pin 22.  This will allow the loopback test to use the proper flow control lines.  These connections can be seen in blue on figures 5 and 6.

Figure 5: RS-232 female DB-25 plug with connections required for loopback test

Figure 6: RS-422/485 female DB-25 plug with connections required for loopback test

10P10C (RJ50) Connector

This connector is most commonly found on National Instrument’s 4 port serial interfaces.  The National Instrument 4 port serial interfaces come with 4 10P10C to DE-9 male converter cables. 

Figure 7: Pinout diagram for RJ50 Connector

It is not recommended to use the 10P10C connector by itself to perform a loopback test due to the small separation between pins.  Using a 10P10C to DE-9 connector (Part Number 192190-01), a looback test can be performed using the methods described above. 



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